upcoming titles

books waiting to be read

flowers for algernon (daniel keyes) - fiction book club book for september

in the middle of

i am the cheese (robert cormier) - lilly recommended it as one of her favorites, a young adult psychological thriller

sophie's world (jostein gaarder) - a thinly disguised philsophy 101 textbook

Monday, August 07, 2006

collapse (2004)

Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed (Jared Diamond)

if you've read diamond's popular "guns, germs, and steel," you're ready for more of the same. with a gripping writing style and anecdotes and examples aplently, jared diamond is academic yet accessible -- and a few notches more scientific and educational than fare like "the tipping point" and "freakonomics." if you're unintimidated by the length of the book, read on and enjoy. for those of you not inclined to read so many words, here's the take home message: "we're (humans) fucking shit up."

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