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flowers for algernon (daniel keyes) - fiction book club book for september

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i am the cheese (robert cormier) - lilly recommended it as one of her favorites, a young adult psychological thriller

sophie's world (jostein gaarder) - a thinly disguised philsophy 101 textbook

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

seven tattoos (1997)

Seven Tattoos: A Memoir in the Flesh (Peter Trachenburg)

the reason i picked up this book was because the author and i had the same number of tattoos. of course, his tattoos carry more significance, a bookful more in fact. trachenburg's book is more of a memoir and uses his tattoos to explore his life history and to muse on various related subjects. the writing is quite excellent and the book very absorbing. recommended for the tattooed and untattooed alike.

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