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flowers for algernon (daniel keyes) - fiction book club book for september

in the middle of

i am the cheese (robert cormier) - lilly recommended it as one of her favorites, a young adult psychological thriller

sophie's world (jostein gaarder) - a thinly disguised philsophy 101 textbook

Friday, May 19, 2006

the big love (2004)

The Big Love (Sarah Dunn)

everyone needs to read a few chick lit books in their lifetime right? well, now it's my chance to catch up on the ones i've missed. the big love is about....ah, who cares what it's about. it's chick lit. there are boys, girls, revelations, loves, likes, crushes, whatever. there are many interesting ideas in the book but overall, this is just above-average chick lit. of course, it's not like i could put it down.

i've decided i may not be able to fake it and write chick lit. why? i'm not nearly neurotic enough.

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